This article will tell you everything you've always wanted to know nearly moving a thermostat.

Can you lot move a thermostat around the firm?

Sometimes the bug you lot encounter with your HVAC system to accomplish and maintain the required temperature in your home are due to the thermostat being placed in the incorrect place. If y'all put the thermostat somewhere else in your home, you can most probably solve the trouble. Nonetheless, you might wonder whether information technology is possible to move a thermostat effectually the business firm subsequently it has been installed in a specific spot.

A thermostat tin definitely be moved around the business firm and ofttimes when you lot've moved information technology to a more suitable place temperature controlling problems will not occur anymore. In most cases, you will be able to move and relocate your thermostat yourself if you follow a few easy and logical steps.

How to move a thermostat

You can movement your thermostat by following a few easy steps.

Step 1 – Turn the thermostat ability off

After you've located the spot where y'all desire to motility your thermostat to, the first step is to plough off the thermostat power.

Information technology is always good practice to turn off the power supply when you lot work with electronics. Don't bear upon or mess with any wires earlier the power has been cut. Electrical shock can cause serious harm to yourself and/or the thermostat.

Generally, yous turn the thermostat ability off at the house'due south excursion breaker box. Flip off the breaker that you expect is associated with your thermostat. To ensure you've picked the right breaker, try to plough the thermostat back on. If there is no ability to your thermostat, yous tin start working on it.

Step 2 – Remove the thermostat and unravel the wires

Later on you've turned off the power remove the thermostat. Usually, you have to remove a few screws and and then yous tin hands remove the device. The thermostat's wires volition notwithstanding be connected to the thermostat on the wall.

To assistance you to connect the wires correctly again when yous are installing the thermostat in its new location, take detailed pictures of how the thermostat is currently wired.

Apply your fingers or pliers and unravel the wires. Each wire will normally exist a different color, and this will brand the rewiring easy. However, if at that place is more than than one wire of the same colour, or you cannot distinguish between some of the colors, use tape and label each wire finish – indicating to which thermostat terminal it is connected. Ezoic

Ensure that y'all remove both the thermostat subclass housing and the thermostat face up. The idea is to leave nothing on the wall.

Footstep iii – Run wires to the new location

Running the wires to the new location might be the most difficult office of the whole moving performance. How difficult information technology volition be volition depend on how far you want to move the thermostat. It is relatively easy if you only desire to move the thermostat to the other side of the wall. If you desire to motion the thermostat to another room in the house, information technology becomes more difficult.

If you are not technically trained or have wiring experience it is recommended that y'all hire an electrician for this part of the task. However, you tin do it yourself if y'all follow the steps.

Moving the thermostat only to the other side of the wall

You don't need to extend the wires if you just want to motion the thermostat to the other side of the wall.

You just drill a pigsty in the wall where y'all want the new thermostat to be. And so you use a wire fishing tool and grab the wires and pull them through the new hole.

Moving the thermostat a great distance

If you want to move your thermostat a greater distance, yous'll need to be resourceful with your wiring. With a DIY job, the easiest is to run the wires on the exterior of your wall in the upper corners of your house and so run them back downward to the new thermostat location.

Another selection is to run the wires through the attic or the basement or crawlspace. These options, however, need more technical and electric skills. You will also have to pinpoint where to drill holes in your ceiling or floor.

We recommend that unless y'all are very comfortable doing electrical piece of work yourself y'all rather call a professional person.

Footstep 4 – Install the thermostat in the new location

When you've gotten all the wires to the new location all you demand to do is to reconnect the wires according to their original configuration. And then you adhere the thermostat to the wall by using the screws you lot've taken out at the previous location.

Step five – Repower the thermostat

After you lot've installed the thermostat with all the wires correctly connected turn on the circuit breaker to become ability again to the thermostat. Remember to put a circuit breaker on, yous first accept to button the switch further down until it clicks, and then motion the switch to the "On" position.

If the thermostat works as before, the moving and reinstallation of your thermostat have been successful.

Step 6 – Repair the old thermostat hole

All that is now still to exist washed is to repair the old thermostat hole. Often, the hole is so small that you can shut information technology with a drywall filling chemical compound and a little flake of paint. Yet, sometimes you lot might need to patch the drywall and pigment information technology again.

How to move a thermostat:Video

How difficult is information technology to locate a thermostat?

When you desire to movement your HVAC thermostat yous first accept to detect the place where it is currently placed. Can that exist hard?

Generally, a thermostat is placed on an interior wall, ideally toward the heart of your home in a frequently used room or space. Thus, you lot'll most probably find the current position of your thermostat by checking all the walls.

But as you lot are encountering problems with your HVAC system to accomplish and maintain the prepare temperature, the chances are good that the thermostat is malfunctioning because it is behind furniture or in an obscure place.  If you tin can't find the thermostat, you lot'll have to follow the wires from 1 of the appliances back to the thermostat, and that could exist difficult.

Do you need an electrician to movement a thermostat?

When you desire to move your thermostat your beginning question is usually whether you tin practice it by yourself or accept to phone call in an electrician.

In most cases, moving a thermostat is a DIY job that tin can be washed with a few basic tools. Notwithstanding, depending on how far from the current position you want to motility the thermostat, you might sometimes need an electrician.

If you're just moving the thermostat to an adjacent wall or the other side of the wall the whole project will most probably take you less than an 60 minutes. And every bit yous don't accept to lengthen the cables you can hands do the rewiring yourself.

Even so, if yous want to movement the thermostat far abroad from the existing cables, it might exist difficult for you to handle the wire extensions yourself. If y'all don't accept experience with electrical piece of work it is better to get an electrician to do this.

Sometimes it will even be necessary to open up some of the walls to accommodate the cables to the new location of the thermostat. Then it is better to get professional person assistance.

And recollect, even if you are moving a wireless thermostat, the sensor on the HVAC unit has to be checked.

Does the location of a thermostat matter?

Have you lot ever wondered whether the location of the HVAC thermostat matters? When y'all run across temperature problems with your HVAC system you most probably troubleshoot about everything without thinking of the location of the thermostat.

It definitely matters where your thermostat is located. Putting your thermostat in a expert location makes all the difference. When your thermostat can't "feel" the room's verbal temperature it tin can't function efficiently. Thus, the thermostat must be located where it can sense the environment's temperature correctly.

When the thermostat is obstructed by bookshelves or other big pieces of furniture, information technology cannot exist effective. You must install the thermostat where information technology is unobstructed and it is meliorate to take it in a room where the family normally gathers.

Where is the best identify to put a thermostat?

When you lot've realized that your thermostat is not finer working because information technology is installed in the wrong identify, you might wonder what will exist the best identify to movement it to.

Generally, the all-time place for the thermostat is on a central interior wall, away from straight sunlight, air vents, the kitchen, hallways, windows, and doors, and placed 52 to 60 inches above the floor.

The 52 to lx inches to a higher place the floor is important every bit rut rises and if the thermostat is below 52 inches it might read a too low temperature. When it is located higher than 60 inches it might read a too high temperature.

This acme also prevents accidental bumps to the thermostat.

Ideally, your thermostat should be

  • far away from doors, windows, and air vents
  • out of direct sunlight,
  • far abroad from the bathroom and kitchen,
  • on an interior wall in the center of the abode in the most used room in the business firm, and
  • far away from a radiator or the menses of an air-conditioning unit.

Best places to put a thermostat

Why you might want to consider moving your thermostat

When you hear other homeowners talking near moving their thermostats you lot might wonder what causes a person to consider moving the thermostat

There are two main reasons why homeowners desire to move their thermostats. The first reason is an aesthetic event. The thermostat tin be placed so poorly that information technology sticks out like a sore pollex and to "save" the room, y'all take to move the thermostat. The second reason is to obtain improve balance in the air and temperature in your home.

A poorly placed thermostat often causes uneven heating or cooling throughout the business firm. For case, if the thermostat is in a room with large sunny windows information technology might trigger the furnace off before the rest of the house is heated enough.

When you move your thermostat to a place "representing" the situation in the whole business firm better, you tin get lower energy bills considering your heating and cooling systems should cycle on and off less and save yous money.

Can heat from TV affect the thermostat?

When looking for a new location to move your thermostat to, you lot might wonder whether something similar TV sets and lamps tin can influence a thermostat.

A Television set set can definitely influence your thermostat's readings. Although the heat from a TV is not a lot of heat, it still influences the reading on your sensitive thermostat.

All apparatus radiating estrus, like Tv sets, entertainment centers, and lamps influence your thermostat if it is placed so almost to these items that it senses the heat. The heat from these items makes the thermostat think the room is warmer than it really is, and your air conditioner volition run longer than it needs to. Even the U.S. Department of Energy cautions confronting placing these items near a thermostat.

Where should you not put your thermostat?

To notice the best location where to re-install your thermostat, information technology is sometimes easier to wait at where y'all should non put it. Are there types of places that are unsuitable for a thermostat?

As a general rule, thermostats should not be placed where extreme atmospheric condition weather like straight sunlight or cold wind or rain can influence the readings. Information technology should also not be placed in rooms that are not frequently used as such rooms are frequently kept closed and the temperature in the rooms is dissimilar from the temperature in the rest of the house.

You tin use the following list as a guideline of where not to install your thermostat:

Don't place your thermostat;

  • on the inside of an exterior wall,
  • in or most the kitchen,
  • near windows and doors,
  • in an isolated location such as a hallway or scarcely used rooms,
  • in directly sunlight,
  • higher up air vents or cooling or heating systems.


There is nothing more frustrating than a thermostat that keeps cycling on and off. Are temperatures skyrocketing, and zigzagging in your home? Then you may need to move your thermostat. I'k sure this article has shown you how to determine the best location for your thermostat and how to move it.