
Galaxy Watch 3 Always On Display

Samsung Galaxy Watch three

Not many other smartwatches are every bit well-rounded as the Samsung Galaxy Watch 3. The hardware and software are better than e'er, though Samsung all the same has some work to do with fitness tracking accuracy. If you're going to purchase a premium smartwatch for your Android telephone, this is the one yous should purchase.

Afterwards its first brief stint with Wear Os (and so Android Wear), Samsung ditched Google'due south smartwatch platform for its own. This resulted in a stunted app ecosystem and some compatibility problems, merely over time helped Samsung's smartwatches blossom into well-rounded wearables. Although its latest model has since adopted Wear Bone iii, the final Tizen-powered Samsung lookout man exudes premium hardware and a wealth of features.

ReadAndroid Authority's full Samsung Milky way Sentinel 3 review to find out why it's one of the best Apple Lookout man alternatives yous tin buy, if you're looking for a cheaper smartwatch.

A newer version of this device is now bachelor. The Samsung Milky way Scout 4 brings new fitness and wellness tracking features, a refreshed physical design, and Wear OS 3 to the table. Read our Samsung Galaxy Spotter 4 review for full details.

About this Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 review: I used the Samsung Galaxy Sentinel 3 for half-dozen days running One UI Watch version two.0, Tizen version v.five.0.1, and software version R840XXU1BTG6. The 45mm Wi-Fi Samsung Milky way Lookout 3 review unit of measurement was paired to my Milky way Note 20 Ultra for the duration of this review.

Update, June 2022: We have updated this Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 review with new software, pricing, and competition details.

A fashionable Samsung smartwatch

samsung galaxy watch 3 review on wrist watch face

Jimmy Westenberg / Android Authority

Samsung Galaxy Scout 3

The principal aesthetic criticism of Samsung's original Galaxy Watch is its mesomorphic design. It has large bezels and an in-your-face up look that many people either love or hate. Samsung really turned things effectually with the Galaxy Sentinel three. It's thinner and lighter than the original, and certainly not as chunky. Be warned, though: the 45mm variant is about too big for my average-sized wrists. If you're concerned at all about size, yous might want to go for the 41mm version.

I know why you're all here, and that's to talk about the rotating bezel. Information technology'due south peachy. Truly. It's smaller on the Galaxy Lookout iii, but not any more difficult to use. It offers a satisfying click when it'south rotated, and I've really institute myself rotating it simply… considering. It beats the pants off the rotating crowns we see on Habiliment OS watches, and information technology's approximately 1,000x better than the touch-enabled bezel on the Milky way Picket Active 2.

Samsung has something special here. Every smartwatch needs a rotating bezel.

I'thou using the 45mm model with its 1.4-inch AMOLED brandish. You already know what I'm going to say here: this is a Samsung product, so it has a fantastic display. It's super piece of cake to run across outdoors in direct sunlight.

That display is pretty ability-hungry, though information technology shouldn't end you lot from getting effectually two days of battery life on a single charge. If you keep the always-on display turned off and don't use it to work out besides frequently, you might be able to make it stretch to day three. I've been getting about 1.v days of battery life with the always-on brandish turned on, sleep tracking enabled, and recording a GPS-enabled conditioning every mean solar day. A five-mile run drained nigh 20% of my battery life, for reference.

Read more: Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 buyer's guide

Besides, go on in listen this is the 45mm model with a bigger battery. If you purchase the 41mm model, expect slightly shorter bombardment life.

The charging state of affairs is non great. The magnetic charging puck packaged with the watch is fine, just it's not very powerful. Information technology'll take over ii hours to charge the watch upwards to 100%. That ways y'all might really demand to plan out when y'all accuse your device if you lot know you're going to want to apply it to track your sleep or during a workout. Luckily you can top it up via Wireless PowerShare if y'all accept a recent Samsung phone.

samsung galaxy watch 3 review display watch face 2

Jimmy Westenberg / Android Authority

All Galaxy Lookout man three models are made of stainless steel, salvage for ane titanium variant that'due south far too expensive for us to recommend.

The watch comes with a "genuine leather" strap in the box. It's a nice strap — comfortable, and information technology seems durable. I'thousand not a huge fan of contrast stitching on straps, though, so I swapped it out for another silicone strap I had lying effectually. (Information technology'due south uniform with 22mm straps, by the style, while the 41mm version works with 20mm straps.)

This leads me to a gripe I have about smartwatches in general. For every bit much flack every bit the Apple Watch gets, I call up Apple made the right move to send silicone sentry straps with the base model watches. These are meant to be conditioning watches for a lot of people, and merely including a leather strap in the box means a lot of people will demand to purchase a third-political party strap so they tin work out. This isn't a complaint I have with, say, $200 watches. Just the Milky way Sentry 3 is expensive! You'd expect to get everything yous need in the box.

The watch confront selection is abundant. Samsung says "over 80,000" watch faces are available for the Galaxy Watch 3, and a wide variety of them are free. Virtually of the first-political party sentinel faces featured in the Galaxy Clothing app are customizable. The My Style watch confront makes a return, allowing you to snap a photo of your outfit and utilize those colors to your watch face.

Fitness and health tracking: Held back by hardware

samsung galaxy watch 3 review running workout

Jimmy Westenberg / Android Authority

A disclaimer before we continue: Our Samsung Galaxy Sentinel three review unit originally did not have ECG or blood force per unit area monitoring enabled. Samsung has since rolled out ECG functionality to the watch, so we take updated our review to reverberate the new feature. Blood pressure level monitoring is still pending FDA approval and is only available in one land.

Samsung is touting the Galaxy Watch 3 as the more lifestyle-oriented smartwatch in its lineup, but information technology has pretty much nonetheless wellness and fitness features that come with the Galaxy Watch Active 2.

Information technology can track 40 different sport profiles, from running and swimming to cardio-based exercises like mountain climbers. 33 of those activities demand to be tracked manually, while seven of them can be automobile-tracked.

I've plant automatic tracking to be slightly unreliable. The Galaxy Watch iii tracked a 45-minute walk around my neighborhood just didn't terminate recording my activity even though I'd been sitting in a chair right afterward for about ten minutes. There'south no way to manually stop these exercises, either; information technology merely stops when it stops.

Also read: The best fitness trackers you can buy

samsung galaxy watch 3 review heart rate sensor1

Jimmy Westenberg / Android Authority

Samsung stuck with the aforementioned GPS and heart rate sensors that information technology put in the Milky way Watch Active 2, which is unfortunate because I constitute those to be the most inaccurate parts of the watch. So, how practise they fare on the Milky way Sentinel 3?

Not then well. The Galaxy Watch 3'south centre rate sensor struggled to continue up with major highs and lows during a five-mile run through my neighborhood compared to the Garmin Fenix half dozen Pro and Wahoo Tickr 10 breast strap. While the average beats per infinitesimal for all iii devices were similar (149 for Fenix, 150 for Galaxy, and 145 for Tickr 10), the Galaxy Sentry three'southward readings were ofttimes 10-15bpm too high during major lows in my run. Roughly 24 minutes into the run, the Fenix half-dozen Pro and Tickr 10 recorded a low of ~90bpm, merely the Galaxy Watch three but dipped downwards to most 125bpm.

samsung galaxy watch 3 review heart rate screenshots analysis

Jimmy Westenberg / Android Authority

Top to bottom: Garmin Fenix six Pro, Samsung Galaxy Lookout iii, Wahoo Tickr X

Unfortunately, Samsung notwithstanding doesn't allow Galaxy Sentinel devices to connect to external heart rate sensors, so there are no like shooting fish in a barrel workarounds if you want accurate heart rate data.

I feel the aforementioned way about the Galaxy Picket 3 every bit I experience most the Active ii. Samsung gets an A for effort with many of the fitness features it attempts to implement, but the sensors just fall short for those looking for the most authentic stats. This picket will admittedly suffice for casual athletes who desire to keep an eye on their activity overall. Users who are interested in minute details should await elsewhere.

Unfortunately, you shouldn't look to the Galaxy Watch three for accurate GPS and heart rate data.

GPS functioning is then-so. It seems to stick to my running paths pretty closely, actually, though information technology often over-reports my running distance by a quarter mile or so. This happened on nearly every run I took with the Milky way Lookout man 3, despite my mile markers lining up closely with my Fenix six Pro.

Related: Why you should take fitness tracker accurateness with a grain of salt

samsung galaxy watch 3 review advanced running metrics

Jimmy Westenberg / Android Authorisation

Perhaps my favorite new characteristic on the Galaxy Picket 3 is its running analysis. During and after your run activities, you lot'll get avant-garde running metrics like asymmetry, contact fourth dimension, flight time, regularity, vertical, and even stiffness. Each of these metrics is scored on an "improve" to "great" calibration, and Samsung Health does a fantastic task of displaying this information in charts later on your run.

These metrics are usually only offered by devices with integrated foot pods. I don't have whatsoever foot pods or smart insoles in my possession, so I'yard not able to compare results. I practice think some of the metrics are spot-on, while others seem to be over-scoring on things that demand work. I recollect my contact fourth dimension and asymmetry are solid, so I'm happy to encounter the results come back equally "peachy." Withal, I felt extremely stiff on one detail run, even though I also scored "great" on that one.

Samsung does slumber tracking actually well, and the Milky way Sentinel 3 adds even more improvements thanks to the company's work with the National Sleep Foundation. Overall, sleep tracking has been authentic for me. It'due south been able to pick up when I fall asleep and wake upwardly in the dark. Samsung Health makes it super easy to see this data, also, and provides ample insights on your sleep quality that might help you improve.

New to the Milky way Watch 3 is a slumber score feature, which scores your sleep quality on a calibration of 0-100 based on full fourth dimension asleep, time in sleep cycles, movement, and concrete and mental recovery. I oasis't been sleeping so well lately, and I've woken up in the middle of the nighttime for a few minutes. Samsung actually splits this into two periods of slumber — not simply one sleep catamenia with an intermission in the middle — which means I'm scored separately on each short sleep. Equally a result, my slumber score is simply at 30/100. On any other device, information technology'd probably be much higher than that.

samsung galaxy watch 3 review samsung health sleep analysis

Jimmy Westenberg / Android Authorization

Stress monitoring and animate exercises are notwithstanding offered on the Milky way Sentry 3 if yous demand some help cooling downwardly in the middle of the twenty-four hours.

All Milky way Watch 3 models come with a built-in pulse oximeter for measuring blood oxygen levels, or SpO2. Manually recording blood oxygen data from the scout is pretty seamless, though I've noticed information technology does accept a few seconds longer than my Fenix 6 Pro. It's besides very touchy in regards to motion. The recordings on both Samsung and Garmin devices accept been pretty spot on for what it's worth, normally hovering around 97%.

Samsung isn't trying to detect signs of sleep apnea like some of its competitors, so the pulse oximeter only works for on-demand readings. It tin't run at nighttime while you lot're sleeping.

You'll also get VO2 max estimates afterwards each one of your activities with the Galaxy Watch 3. The numbers from my Samsung watch ordinarily lined up pretty well with the Fenix vi Pro. Interestingly, though, they autumn on dissimilar parts of the scale. For instance, my l.3 VO2 max number during a run with the Galaxy Sentinel 3 says I'chiliad at a "good" level and in the superlative 35% of my age range, which only appears to be in the center of Samsung'southward calibration. My Fenix vi Pro gave me a 54 score, though, and says my VO2 max is "excellent" for my historic period range.

samsung galaxy watch 3 review display watch face 1

Jimmy Westenberg / Android Authority

Samsung Galaxy Lookout man 3

Samsung is taking another swipe at the Apple Watch with its new fall detection feature. If you lot're in the middle of an activity (running, walking, etc.) and the accelerometer senses that you've fallen, your Galaxy Sentry three will send an SMS to up to four emergency contacts. I tried faux falling about a dozen times with the watch, and I was never able to become it to trigger. Hopefully, that's just the Galaxy Watch sensing that I'm faking it.

Samsung warns that this characteristic may falsely trigger during high-impact exercises, and then it'southward all-time to go along an eye on your wrist when you're working out a little harder than normal. As well, it's important to keep in mind this isn't a safeguard for an older person shuffling around the house. You have to be engaging in an activity for the scout to sense that you've fallen.

In November 2021, Samsung rolled out an update that brought sensitivity adjustments to its fall detection feature.

If you happen to own a Samsung telly, the Milky way Watch 3 might make it easier for y'all to do at home. You lot can option a workout video from Samsung Wellness, cast information technology to your Tv set, and it'll display your eye charge per unit in real-fourth dimension. There are over 120 workout videos to choose from, which can all be played on your phone if you lot don't own a Samsung Television. I don't, so I couldn't test this characteristic.

In July 2021, Samsung rolled out software version R845FXXU1DUE4 to the Galaxy Lookout iii which brought improvements to its claret oxygen saturation (SpO2) measurement. Improvements to voice guidance, which was initially added to the Spotter 3 in November 2020, too arrived in this update.

Finally, Samsung rolled out ECG functionality to the Galaxy Scout 3 in September 2020. Information technology works just like how ECG readings work on the Withings ScanWatch or Fitbit Sense. Recording an ECG just takes thirty seconds, and you can first it right from the watch itself. Once the recording finishes, the spotter will permit you lot know if information technology sensed any potential signs of atrial fibrillation (AFib).

A better Android watch than Wear OS

samsung galaxy watch 3 review on wrist spotify music app

Jimmy Westenberg / Android Authority

Setting up the Milky way Picket 3 on a Samsung phone is easy — simply install the Galaxy Wearable app, connect your device, and you're skilful to go. However, the setup process is more cumbersome if you're using a not-Samsung phone. You need the Galaxy Wearable app, Galaxy Watch 3 Plugin, Samsung Accessory Service app, and of course Samsung Health.

Later y'all bound through all those extra hoops, you'll be rewarded with one of the all-time smartwatch experiences you can go with Android. For me, Samsung'south smartwatch software has surpassed Article of clothing OS as the get-to Android sentry operating organization — fifty-fifty if information technology has some major restrictions.

Samsung'south smartwatch software is all-effectually better — and more than supported — than Wear Bone.

Kickoff, the adept. The Milky way Lookout 3 can handle all the standard smartwatch stuff we've come to expect. You can receive smartphone notifications and respond to them from your wrist. You lot can even view your chat history on your watch for certain messaging apps. In that location's offline local music support and offline Spotify support — a surprisingly rare feature on wearables. There's 8GB of internal memory for belongings your music, apps, and photos (if you really want that).

Offline music support is bachelor on all Galaxy Lookout man three models. You lot can stream music via Wi-Fi on all variants, but of course, you lot'll need one of the LTE-connected watches while yous're away from Wi-Fi. The LTE version also lets yous send and receive letters and calls when you're not continued to your smartphone. Since I don't have the LTE version, I tin can't annotate on LTE connectivity.

Paying for things with your wrist is pretty easy with the Galaxy Picket, thanks to Samsung Pay. Even so, you'll have to go the standard NFC route for contactless payments — MST engineering isn't supported here. We would really like to meet the return of MST for Samsung Pay. It's just too convenient not to take on a smartwatch.

Third-party app support is withal non bully on Galaxy Watches. Y'all take access to a handful of the virtually popular fitness apps, like Strava and MapMyRun, but overall app pick pales in comparing to Clothing Bone or Apple Sentinel devices. You just can't discover as many official tertiary-party apps in the Galaxy Store, meaning you might need to download a hacky unofficial app to get certain services up and running.

On-device performance is OK. The Galaxy Watch 3 is powered by Samsung's Exynos 9110 SoC, which has powered every Galaxy Watch device. There's 1GB of RAM here, upwards from 768MB from the Active 2. I can't say I noticed a huge deviation in performance. Navigating around the software is fine, but internet-enabled apps such every bit Bixby and Spotify tin can be slow to launch.

Samsung Health is great, but go rid of the ads

samsung galaxy watch 3 review samsung health app discover

Jimmy Westenberg / Android Say-so

Nosotros've talked in-depth about Samsung Health in the by, and so exist certain to visit our all-encompassing guide at the link for more than.

In summary, I like information technology! It reminds me a lot of the Fitbit app, if you're familiar. Samsung Health is make clean and easy to use, and provides lots of social features and challenges to keep you motivated. There are too a diverseness of workout programs, videos, and health resources if you want to dig into yoga and meditation or learn more about the latest diet trends.

At the time of review, Samsung had a nasty habit of putting advertisements in Samsung Health. This included a big banner ad on the peak of the Home screen, advertising things like the Milky way Notation 20 Ultra (which is annoying to meet while y'all're using a Galaxy Note 20 Ultra), promotions from the Galaxy Store, and a dedicated Notifications tab that likewise gives you ads for related products like vitamins. The company has since washed away with this exercise, making for a much cleaner feel.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 specs

Samsung Milky way Sentinel 3


45mm: 1.4-inch AMOLED
41mm: 1.ii-inch AMOLED

Corning Gorilla Glass DX

Dimensions and weight

45mm: 45 x 46.2 ten 11.1mm
53.8g (stainless steel), 43g (titanium)

41mm: 41 x 42.five x xi.3mm

Colors and materials

45mm: Mystic Black (stainless steel or titanium), Mystic Argent (stainless steel)

41mm: Mystic Bronze (stainless steel), Mystic Silvery (stainless steel)


45mm: 340mAh
41mm: 247mAh

WPC-based wireless charging


Samsung Exynos 9110
Dual-core, i.15GHz






LTE (available in select models)
Bluetooth v.0
Wi-Fi b/k/n
A-GPS/GLONASS/Beidou seven


Optical heart charge per unit sensor
Ambience light sensor


5ATM + IP68


Tizen Os 5.5


Android: Android five.0 or higher & RAM 1.5GB or above
iOS: iPhone 5 and above, iOS 9.0 or above

Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 review: Value and the competition

The Samsung Milky way Sentry iii is normally available on Amazon, Samsung, Best Buy, and other retailers. The lookout man launched at $399.99, simply you can regularly observe it on sale at most retailers. LTE models are available from Verizon and AT&T starting at $449.99.

samsung galaxy watch 3 black leather

Samsung Galaxy Sentry 3

The all-time from Samsung that's not running Wear Bone

The Samsung Galaxy Picket 3 is one of the more versatile smartwatches yous tin buy. It's stylish, sporty, comes with plenty of smartwatch features, and has new health sensors that will make the watch better over time.

Fifty-fifty in 2022, that's a lot of money for a smartwatch, no matter how good it is. That starting toll is over $100 more the Galaxy Watch Active 2 sold for at launch, and $70 more the original Galaxy Lookout man. But is it $lxx-$100 improve? I don't recollect so. Samsung improved the hardware over the original spotter, and then that's a bonus, though I don't think the software has improved enough for the company to charge this much.

Apple tree's latest smartwatch, the Apple Watch Series 7, is the Galaxy Sentry 3'south biggest competitor. Each device offers a like feature set and comes in various sizes and connectivity options. The Galaxy Watch three is compatible with Android and iPhones, simply y'all'll go the best experience if you lot're using a Samsung phone. The Apple Watch is only compatible with iOS. Considering the Milky way Watch 3'south historic period, the Apple Lookout Series half-dozen is besides worth a mention hither.

The Samsung Galaxy Scout 4 serial is besides available at present, which adds more than sensors and has meliorate hardware than the Galaxy Watch 3. There are limitations, simply odds are if yous're looking for a recent Galaxy Lookout, you'll notice something to like in the Milky way Watch iv series. Nigh importantly, the Galaxy Watch 4 serial is also much cheaper, starting at just $249.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 review: The verdict

samsung galaxy watch 3 review always on display watch face on wrist

Jimmy Westenberg / Android Authority

Samsung'southward watches have e'er tried to do everything. Think of a modernistic smartwatch feature and the Galaxy Watch iii probably has it. Throwing in too many features often results in a lot of missed opportunities, but I think Samsung actually delivered in almost areas here.

Exterior of hardware and design, I don't think the Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 is the all-time wearable you can purchase in whatsoever 1 item category. Garmin and Fitbit watches are more than accurate with fettle and wellness, and Clothing OS has a better app ecosystem. But the Galaxy Watch 3 is so well-rounded overall, I won't hesitate to say it's i of the best smartwatches you tin purchase for your Android or iPhone.

The Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 is the best smartwatch you can purchase for your Android phone.

Maybe the bar for adequate Android watches is just so low that information technology leaves me to gush about a watch that simply doesn't fall apartment on its face. Even so, I recall well-roundedness counts for something when we've had so many watches attempt and fail to exist the be-all, stop-all Apple Watch killer.

Information technology certainly has its shortcomings, but I call up many people will be really happy with the Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 — provided they can stomach the high price tag.


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